Tuesday, November 29, 2011

For those who read and enjoyed Naughty Nights in the LLS compilation, I have some news.

I've decided to make that into a series of tales instead of an actual chapter fic. So, the plot will still progress but it won't be like a daily thing; since it's a monthly game already. However, there will be some backtracking for it to flow correctly. I hope that's not too confusing.

Naughty Nights will post on 12/2 if you haven't read it yet. Each "chapter" after that will have it's own title and story banner, just like an individual o/s.

I hope this technique works, because I love these characters. LOL

Oh, and NN is written in EPOV, too.
(This is part of the writing commitment I am not backing out on.)

♥ Denise

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